With our consulting service Assistance in selection and renting of a real estate, you will be able to confidently proceed to rent a new home or commercial property in a much shorter time than usual. The stages of assessment of the available factors for selection and choice of new home or office are set to fulfill your requirements and expectations.
We research the market for you, prepare a selection of real estate within the locations desired and together with you we visit those that most fully attract your approval. After a thorough analysis of the qualities of each of the selected real estate proposals and active review of the documents provided by the seller, and the necessary documents for the acquisition, we assisst and organize everithing from the beginning to the turnkey. In addition, you will be able to receive advice on other important issues realty related to your acquisition as - evaluation of the needs and costs for repair and also their additional finishing, followed by tasks' subsequent implementation in short term.
With care for your time and money, we create emotion and turn the choice of a real estate into a pleasure.
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